Saturday, 28 May 2011

Review of Research journey (11-16th March 2011)

It was Friday, 11th March. In the morning I attended lecture (it's prof.Charles', and curiously, he didn't get mad when everyone got late, pheww). After that, arranging the letter of permission (for tutorial and practices), ate lunch (or breakfast?), and then got packing (so lame, I was packing only minutes before arrival time) then one past minutes I got to Jombor. Nusantara bus' earliest departing is at two past fifteen minutes. Wait several minutes, then go! (as usual, Nining forgot essential thing such as rain coat, and I left the main part of our journey: snacks!)
Minutes after departing, Ni'ma sent me messages saying she'd been confiscated by the police. I spent my phone fee telling about how she should choose the hearing because she's innocent (how come the police said "without the notification, everyone already knows that here is forbidden to turn left" and "if you choose hearing, the fault fee would be more expensive (than fifty thousand?!)" those lines clearly showed the police really in need of money, urgh). So i told her it was
okay my STNK got held for a while.
Whatever, that afternoon, I arrived at Sukun Banyumanik at around five. Uncle Tomo picked me up and we went to his house first. After some considerations, we slept there on the first night, then the next morning went to Goa Kreo. That night, my laptop battery freaked me out (I ought to be relieved first that my mother board is alright, actually).
Saturday 12th March, in the morning we walked through and around the forest (around, all over the hills, what were we doing, hiking?!) and got ourselves exhausted, except pak Wawan of course. So there he said he was introducing the location of the hills to us (hmm,,well, introduction, couldn't imagine what kind of hell waiting for us the next-next days). Pfiuh,,,after that "introduction" we got sleep tight at midday, almost skipping lunch. In the afternoon,we got inspection of the monkey groups. Glad it's not as exhausting as in the morning. That night, drh.Utiek and drh.Uma came and slept over.
Sunday 13th March, in the early morning without breakfast, we got over the hill, then by car went around the dam construction site. Then in the afternoon, we three had inspection, while both mistress went back to Yogya.
Monday, 14th March. As usual morning and afternoon, and in this day we first tried "counting" by counter. I didn't know why but my counting was always the smallest number than anyone else's so I wasn't confident in counting. I prefer writing notes about the monkey groups whereabouts and locations to counting the populations.
Tuesday, 15th March.  As usual, I guess. Because of my "battery trouble" I had my time activating laptop only when pak Wawan and family wasn't in house. Whew,,finally I could watch Fractale (glad that my internet speed was in the right track and moment).
Wednesday, 16th March. After having so much thought and concerning all advantages and harm, we decided to go back to Yogya this Wednesday's night. Out of my expectation is that pak Wawan willingly: gave us a ride to the bus station, even gave us advice to depart early (afternoon, not night), and pay the bus cost for us! This means our research there is free! (drh.Uma and drh.Utiek paid our living costs, and pak Wawan paid our one-way transport). Whew,,what else can I say: alhamdulillah... >_< *I must paid them in the future! By representing our journal at Japan and America, at least.

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